Zombie Dude by Brian Ching. Pen/Ink/Adobe Photoshop

Bliss by Jeff Allen. Alias Sketchbook/Cintiq

World War Z by Sean Tiffany. Pen/Brush/Ink/Photoshop

They're coming to get you Mr. Woodman by Andy Thom.
Adobe Photoshop/Cintiq

Hey Kids! Zombies! by Rob Kelly. Cut Paper/Adobe Photoshop

Intestinal Fortitude by Michael Borkowski. Alias Sketchbook/Cintiq

The Neighbors by Dustin Weaver. Pen/Ink/Adobe Photoshop

They're coming to get you Barbara! by Michael Atiyeh.
Adobe Photoshop/Cintiq

Gooey Icky Sticky Green by Matt Luxich. Adobe Illustrator

Zombie by Michael Atiyeh. Adobe Photoshop/Cintiq